My yorkie

I made this from a pattern, that if you had no experience in patterns before, it will be hard to be able to read it. But there is another nice lady who wrote the pattern. If you want to have a go here it is. I will have to make another one, one day. Here is mine. Still have to trim the wool properly. I like to make realistic stuff but sometimes I try something that looks challenging.


My dog

I made this painting about two or three years ago. I never learnt how to paint, though I picked art at school. I never forget, it was a male teacher. It was his first year teaching in a girls school. All he wanted to do was, fool around with the girls. I hate him for it because I was seriously about learning how to draw and paint. Maybe no one can teach you that. It was done free hand no tricks of tracing before hand. I am proud of it at least it resembles a dog. She is so cute.